MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

So, this is my first post so this will be almost a 100% a fail, lol. But, there isn’t another way to have success in something better than fail and fail again, try and try, so… here I go.

I want to write about something that I read today, and that is the PMV, or in spanish, “Producto Mínimo Viable”. That concept is referenced in the book “Lean Startup” from Eric Ries. The thing is, it’s about to create a with the minimun effort the best “beta” (or something like that) of your product, before you have a serious validation of your customers.

It sound something basic, maybe almost like we all already knew, but, actually is something that we could ignore, just for focus on develop the best version of our product, a product that maybe nobody want to use, and THAT is something that we MUST avoid at all cost. The continuous feedback in the startup’s way is a must, and, to validate some hypothesis and some assumptions is something that we need to accustom.

So, if we make a few business decisions about our product, and choose a few elements that are really important to our product, we can do a PMV. And when I talk about a PMV, I don’t necessarily talk about (in case of a software) a app or web, it can be easily a video. Dropbox is a very good example of this. They reclute almost 65k of early costumers with launching a PMV in video format, showing about what’s the product about.

The contact with the costumers like I said before is also very important, in the classic methodology, we have seen all this years how we can make numerous documents of market studies and numerous iterations, without even have some feedback from our future costumers, all this with the only concern of meet the times of the iterations, caring about documents format and how complete are. In the world of today that is inefficient and obsolete. We need to understand that we all live in a continous acceleration and we need to build solutions to real problems and to know what are the real solutions to the real problems our best method is the scientific method, and with that I mean, like I said in the beginning of this post, trying and trying, with the experimentation, getting real results of real people, using that information as our compass to guide us in the search of success.